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Chronic Disease Educator | It's In The Genes, LLC | Washington
W. H. Y.
And we understand. Victorianne Russell Walton, the CEO is a Two Time Breast Cancer Survivor and now a Covid-19 Survivor. Beating the odds is a community effort. let's make sure you know how your community can assist you. visit our resource page, sign up for our newsletter, visit our page. let us know how we can assist you with your fight.
Want to join our upcoming support group - great we would love to have you. contact us today!
From the desk of
It's In The Gene's and The Walton's
Want to thank you for all of your support. Enjoy your holiday with family and friends. Be Kind, Be Healthy, Be Blessed

IITG Seasoned Sister Speaks Talk Blog.Â
Seasoned Sisters Speaks creates a place where people come together to empower and share their knowledge, support each other and create a platform to build a better you.
Listener dial-in number:(516) 418-5419
Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube.
Join Us biweekly, Thursdays , 1pmEST.
The host Victorianne Russell Walton and Radio Talk Show Nutrition Expert: Warren Green, Retired Federal Official, Current Nutrition & Health consultant.Â

Her Story Matters - Encourage AwardÂ
The Health Alliance

Discovery Channel: Health:
When Sex, Race and Location Matter Preview.
featuring Mrs Russell WaltonÂ

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